We offer a complete range of handcrafted mooring lines, made with high quality materials and attention to detail to ensure resistance, reliability and durability over time. Each product is designed to meet the specific needs of boating, both recreational and professional.

Our mooring lines are made of high quality synthetic fibres, such as polyester, polypropylene and Dyneema, to ensure excellent resistance to traction, weathering and wear. We offer double braid and single braid lines, available in various diameters and lengths to suit any type of vessel. The ends can be finished with professional splices, reinforced eyelets with stainless steel shackles or anti-abrasion leather protectors. The splices are hand-made to ensure a secure and long-lasting hold, reducing the risk of slipping even under heavy loads.
To obtain precise and high quality splices, we use the technique of tensioning the rope using a winch. This method allows us to apply a constant and controlled tension on the rope during processing, favoring the alignment of the fibers and the compactness of the splice. The uniform tension reduces the risk of deformations and guarantees greater mechanical resistance, thus ensuring an optimal hold even under extreme load conditions.
A bowline is a fixed ring made on a rope using a special splicing technique or using specific knots. It is often used to create a secure anchor point for attaching shackles, snap hooks, or to attach the rope to cleats and bollards. Bowlines can be covered with protective materials, such as leather or abrasion-resistant sheathing, to reduce wear caused by rubbing against hard or metal surfaces. Leather coverings offer long-lasting protection and a refined aesthetic, much appreciated in the nautical industry.

We provide lifting slings, Dyneema soft shackles and certified slings of different sizes and load capacities. Tell us what you need and we will find the right solution for you. All our products are tested to ensure maximum safety even in the most extreme conditions.
Rope launch or throwing lines are used to transfer a mooring line or other lines to land or another vessel. Usually made of small diameter double braided polyester, we can supply them complete with handcrafted leather throwing weights, made by hand for greater precision and ease of use.


We make custom tender towing cables, with materials resistant to salt water and wear. Each cable can be customized to your specific needs, both in terms of length and attachment configuration, to ensure safe and stable towing.

Soft shakles are flexible connectors made of high-strength Dyneema, ideal for replacing traditional metal shackles. Lightweight, easy to handle and resistant to corrosion, soft shakles ensure a safe and reliable connection in every situation, reducing the risk of damage to the surfaces of the boats.
Thanks to our experience and craftsmanship, we create customized solutions for every need: custom rope ladders, leather covers, customized anti-abrasion protections and much more. Tell us what you need and we will study the perfect solution for you, with the quality and reliability that distinguish our products.